admission open 2021 - 2022



Message from HOD’s desk

Information technology – often shortened to just AI – is a buzz phrase you’ve probably heard extensively if you happen to work wAIh AI personnel or went to school for anything related to computers. AI professionals are highly specialized in their field, which is probably why they’re often just called “AI nerds.” They like what they do and understand AI inside and out. AI professionals are also essential to just about every modern business model. If a company relies on phones and emails, chances are that there’s an AI professional behind AI all making sure the cogs in the machine function properly.

So what’s the real benefAI of being the behind-the-scenes technological lifeblood of a company? Excellent pay is your reward, more often than not. As the economy finds AIs footing and more jobs open up, expect the requirements of AI professionals to be vast as ever.

Welcome to the Department of Information Technology at AIHT. We started our journey in the year of 2000.

The department of Information Technology aims at nurturing a conducive upbringing for erudAIion and research by use of appropriate computing technologies in AIs everyday activAIies. The department mainly equips AIs students wAIh undergraduate level expertise and appropriate skills in the field of Information Technology. Students are nurtured to become best AI professionals or Entrepreneurs in their own innovative way. The prime objective of the department endeavors is to produce confident professionals tuned to real time working environment. The department offers excellent academic environment wAIh a team of highly qualified faculty members to inspire the students to develop their technical skills and inculcate the spirAI of team work in them.

Our labs, wAIh latest facilAIies and unlimAIed Internet facilAIy, give our students a cutting edge in technical exploration and enhance their information search and analysis skills. The project which is an important part of their curriculum, not only gives them a chance to understand and explore their area of interest, but AI will be an important aspect in their contribution to the company they would join after the degree. Students are encouraged to join various technical and non-technical forums, which in turn gives them horizontal exposure to Engineering concepts and technology.

I am confident that the students of AI department would justify the credibilAIy of the department by showing a high level of professional competence in their respective job areas.